new Transition Town initiative for Eastbourne area?

Hi all,

I have become completely convinced of the importance of the Transition Town movement and I am ready and willing to do all I can to help start a transition initiative in the Eastbourne area. I am aware of the Lewes, and Cuckmere Valley, transition initiatives and I am going to make contact with them and learn from them whenever I can. But is anybody from the Eastbourne area, or the villages near Eastbourne, interested in getting together to start mulling over how to start a new inititaive for this area? I have quite a bit of spare time to devote to helping to kick-start things but I'm isolated here as I don't know of anybody else in my area who is interested and also has time and/or skills to help launch such an initiative. Please help!

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Cuckmere Valley Transition have friends in Eastbourne who may be interested in joining you. Contact:

Jane is very helpful and a real transition enthusiast, you'll also find people keen to advise about transition start ups at the following local initiatives...  

As you probalby know Lewes were one of the first transition towns.

Forest Row, Tunbridge Wells and Worthing transition towns can be found at the following interactive websites which you'll be welcome to join and may find out more through online discussion:

Best of Luck,


Thank you so much, Susan, for this extremely helpful reply. Having some initial points of contact was just what I was looking for. It's great that there are so many transition initiatives not too far away. Maybe East Sussex will develop in to a real Transition County. I shall certainly follow up on your suggestions and let you know how things are getting on.

Best wishes.


Susan Thompson said:


Cuckmere Valley Transition have friends in Eastbourne who may be interested in joining you. Contact:

Jane is very helpful and a real transition enthusiast, you'll also find people keen to advise about transition start ups at the following local initiatives...  

As you probalby know Lewes were one of the first transition towns.

Forest Row, Tunbridge Wells and Worthing transition towns can be found at the following interactive websites which you'll be welcome to join and may find out more through online discussion:


Best of Luck,


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