Hello, Johnny here from The Fuel Co-op, the home heating oil co-op based in Glynde but reaching from Hassocks to Eastbourne). Just dropping in to give VC an update on progress.

We started ordering home heating oil for our Members last November and have ordered once a month since then. We are taking August off allowing us time to regroup and work out how to progress.

In an ideal world, our members may choose a more benign way to heat our houses and hot water but many of our members are not in a position to change fuel type due to such things as cash flow or tenure. 

In the mean time, The Fuel Co-op is using consumer power to do some heavy negotiating with suppliers and getting real discounts on home heating oil.

We have 80+ Members saving an average of £40+ per fuel order (obviously, actual savings will vary according to size of order).

We have started supporting other buying groups to spread the Co-op benefits further afield and are keen to hear from any existing Sussex-based oil buying groups to see if there is any mutual benefit in co-operation. 

Our next order deadline is the 13th September (for probable delivery in the following 5 days - this depends on the supplier which will offer us the best terms), so orders need to be with us by then. If you'd like to find out more pop over to the website at www.thefuel.coop or drop me a line fuelcoop@btinternet.com

Best wishes, Johnny

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